OAuth2 Authentication
Setup credentials following the instructions on Configuration. When you have obtained a client_id
and a client_secret
you can try out OAuth 2.0 resapi/1.0/common/oauth2
the flow goes as follows to get authorized:
OAuth endpoints:
GET {your_Odoo_server_url}/restapi/1.0/common/oauth2/authorize (Resource Owner Authorization endpoint)
POST {your_Odoo_server_url}/restapi/1.0/common/oauth2/access_token (Token Credentials Request endpoint)
1. Resource Owner Authorization
User authorization through redirection. First, we will create an authorization URL from the base URL given by Odoo and the credentials previously obtained.
GET /restapi/1.0/common/oauth2/authorize
Query Parameters:
client_id – Odoo
consumer key
state – Specifies any additional URL-encoded state data to be returned in the callback URL after approval.
redirect_uri – An absolute URL to which the Odoo will redirect the User back when the obtaining User Authorization step is completed.
response_type – This must be
for this authentication flow.
Request Headers
Response Headers
Status Codes
2. Token Credentials Request
Fetch an access token from the Odoo using the authorization code obtained during user authorization.
POST /restapi/1.0/common/oauth2/access_token
Query Parameters:
client_id – Odoo
consumer key
client_secret – Odoo
consumer secret
redirect_uri – An absolute URL to which the Odoo will redirect the User back when the obtaining User Authorization step is completed.
code – Authorization code the consumer must use to obtain access and refresh tokens.
grant_type – Value must be
for this flow.
Request Headers
Response Headers
Status Codes
Last updated