
Provides information about Odoo models via its various fields


a human-readable description of the model


the name of each model in the system


whether the model was generated in Python code (base) or by creating an ir.model record (manual)


list of the model’s fields through a One2many to ir.model.fields


One2many to the Views defined for the model


One2many relation to the Access Control set on the model


ir.model can be used to:

  • query the system for installed models (as a precondition to operations on the model or to explore the system’s content)

  • get information about a specific model (generally by listing the fields associated with it)

  • create new models dynamically over REST API


  • custom model names must start with x_

  • the state must be provided and manual, otherwise, the model will not be loaded

  • it is not possible to add new methods to a custom model, only fields


Create x_custom_model model record in ir.model object using Create Records API endpoint.


POST /restapi/1.0/object/ir.model?vals={'name':'Custom Model','model':'x_custom_model','state':'manual'} HTTP/1.1
Host: {your_Odoo_server_url}

JSON Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  'Models': {
      'id': 104,
      'name': 'Custom Model',
      'model': 'x_custom_model',
      'state': 'manual'

XML Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

<Models type="dict">
	<id type="int">104</id>
	<name type="str">Custom Model</name>
	<model type="str">x_custom_model</model>
	<state type="str">manual</state>
  1. Inspect a model x_custom_model’s fields using the Listing Record Fields API endpoint.


GET /restapi/1.0/object/x_custom_model/fields_get?attributes=['string','help','type'] HTTP/1.1
Host: {your_Odoo_server_url}

JSON Response:


a custom model will initially contain only the “built-in” fields available on all models

 HTTP/1.1 200 OK

   'fields': {
       'create_uid': {
           'type': 'many2one',
           'string': 'Created by'
       'create_date': {
           'type": 'datetime',
           'string': 'Created on'
       '__last_update': {
           'type': 'datetime',
           'string': 'Last Modified on'
       'write_uid': {
           'type': 'many2one',
           'string': 'Last Updated by'
       'write_date': {
           'type': 'datetime',
           'string': 'Last Updated on'
       'display_name': {
           'type': 'char',
           'string': 'Display Name'
       'id": {
           'type': 'integer',
           'string': 'Id'

XML Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

<fields type="dict">
	<create_uid type="dict">
		<type type="str">many2one</type>
		<string type="str">Created by</string>
	<create_date type="dict">
		<type type="str">datetime</type>
		<string type="str">Created on</string>
	<__last_update type="dict">
		<type type="str">datetime</type>
		<string type="str">Last Modified on</string>
	<write_uid type="dict">
		<type type="str">many2one</type>
		<string type="str">Last Updated by</string>
	<write_date type="dict">
		<type type="str">datetime</type>
		<string type="str">Last Updated on</string>
	<display_name type="dict">
		<type type="str">char</type>
		<string type="str">Display Name</string>
	<id type="dict">
		<type type="str">integer</type>
		<string type="str">Id</string>

Last updated